New Jersey highways and crosswalks are filled with cars, pedestrians and recreational bicyclists lawfully using the roadways who have the right to expect that these roadways will be safe for travel. At the same time almost anywhere that you look there is construction going on to repair potholes, upgrade underground utilities and perform general roadway maintenance. These activities present potential serious dangers to the public if proper precautions are not taken.
While we applaud maintenance and desperately needed improvements to our infrastructure, it is the obligation of the State and local government, together with contractors and their employees to provide proper and adequate warnings of the work being performed, both during the day and especially at night. Lights, barriers, and warning signs are mandatory. Excavation must be properly and securely covered so that the public is not confronted with a potentially life threatening condition. See to learn about the State requirements for traffic Safety.
If you or a loved one have been injured as the result of highway construction or defects in the roadway, please contact us at Our firm has been representing injury victims for more than 50 years, we are here to help.